Thursday, January 28, 2010

Masterbation In Muslim Women Muslim Women & Masterbation=haram?

Muslim Women & masterbation=haram? - masterbation in muslim women

well, the i'masking for the first time a question like this, but the university Masterbating against the Islamic law (for women and men)? Tell me, without knowing even play, we go to hell? What can we do for forgiveness?

Please no racist comments, the last thing I need is the psychological monster address: D


Student Of Knowledge said...

Peace ..

Masturbation is a great sin in Islam, because it shows u urself can not control and patience are the lives of the majority of Muslims, men and women ...

They are not as long as hell for evil deeds are better than UR UR .. Allah knows best ...

If U masturbate without knowing it is haram, then u'll always get sin (Inshallah, it will not be a sin so great, u know), but if U aware that it was wrong and repent sincerely to Allah, Inshallah, or forgiven. ..

Peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad said that the best way to get rid of sin is through repentance and overtime "works well ... if u'll No1. Feel better and see how much u for Allah forgives u.

I hope that helped ..

"God says in the Koran, true say to the believing women, their gaze and guard their modesty" Koran


Paula said...

I am very pleased to be a Christian, because no matter what a sin was committed, or if from west to east away from us, and God will remember the most.
Please accept our apologies and rest assured it will be forgiven.
From the moment we accept the Lord as our God and Savior, we are sure of heaven.
We need not worry because we know.
I am so grateful that in every religion that can make all the right to a place in heaven be tried.
We hope you will find your answer.

Judy V said...

It says nothing about the Koran. I do not see how it would be against religion. In the writings of Muhammad has never heard about it, but do not know know much about these messages. I hope this has helped you understand better.

♥Sparkle... said...

Yes, it is haram for men and women (only if u know ur doing ")
This means that the children / adolescents do not enter puberty, I know, but should be taught ....
hey !!!!!
We have the same hairstyle! xD

kool dude said... ...

Read more .. His .. Forbidden FOR THE TWO ..

neo said...

Yes, it is haram ...... for marriage in Islam is very ...... men and women, adults or boys and girls estimated Prevention haram ..

Envy McLovin' said...

It is good to take care of.

But probably haram. Everything is ready for women in Islam.

LuvnLife said...

If you feel you must cut the time to collect ... Only Jean-naaa

angel said...

not promote surely not

..... said...

I do not think that it haram

Moody said...

You will not be reversed but not in hell, only it;
If you think you made a mistake, no matter how big it is,
I had to repent and God will be forgiven,

Remember that God Most Merciful, Soo

As for the masturbation in Islam, here is a video link that sheds light on this issue. in short, is not too long ago .. submarines ...

Hope this helps!

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