Monday, January 4, 2010

Paintball Suppressor Legality Of A Paintball Suppressor In CA?

Legality of a paintball suppressor in CA? - paintball suppressor

I searched the Internet using paintball silencer and how it is illegal in some countries. I live in California, and I know it's illegal to have a silencer. I built before I discovered that I have now. When I make a call instead of a booster silencer is still illegal? And if it does not work? (because I havent tried it yet, I) Can a silent fantasy?


ranb40 said...

If there are no federal laws that prohibit civilian possession of silence, without a license, the approval of the ATF and a fee of $ 200 is required for each of them, or be bought. The application of stamp duty with ATF Form 1 is the only legal way you can make a silencer in the United States without a license. Of course CA is not one of the 37 before allowing that civilians of their own. No license or permit is required only to make or possess a silencer, so you get the stamp duty.

The ATF defines a firearm silencer designed as a device to reduce the ratio of one barrel of the gun. These include an air rifle or paintball silencer, but only work for a host of real firearms. Each part is a quiet silent by itself. Called it does not change an oppressor, what it is. If the muffler is a hollow tube with any type of mesh or baffle, it will reduce noise, in other words, it will work. If the noise as low as 2-3 decibels lower, the ATF will be a silencer.

If you have reason to believe that it works at all, then you have to destroyunless it is registered. If I ever get away from CA and a state in which they are legal, then you can make the stamp duty and claim. The ATF accept applications even if they complete the line.

If it does not reduce noise at all, then there is a silent and can be used in CA and without registration. Check and advice, forums and links to the laws. Good luck.


Scamp said...

A suppressor silencer is illegal, unless you have special permits and papers. Proof, if they are silenced, can be easily adapted to a real weapon. Suppressor paintball breaks are purely aesthetic, not function.

Nick C said...

I'm pretty sure that all the oppressors or silencer for such a thing as a real gun or airsoft paintball gun is illegal everywhere (if you have purchased a license). Therefore, there is no way to do it on the Internet. If you have an opportunity to find peace, I do not know about how the waves. Mock silencers are legal.

Marc said...

It is illegal in all states. Is a federal crime.
The reason could be a real weapon and use it. No matter what you say. If you want to see, but is a hollow tube that can be. Most paintball barrels should do the decent is very quiet.

Marc said...

It is illegal in all states. Is a federal crime.
The reason could be a real weapon and use it. No matter what you say. If you want to see, but is a hollow tube that can be. Most paintball barrels should do the decent is very quiet.

East Mick Big Red said...

Dude, why do you ask a "silent" on the indicator is not much more than most of the noise of the leaders in its bolt marker to see the ball never leaves the barrel, then why don 'do not try to achieve higher quality barrels JST Kit, I use a hose evil

East Mick Big Red said...

Dude, why do you ask a "silent" on the indicator is not much more than most of the noise of the leaders in its bolt marker to see the ball never leaves the barrel, then why don 'do not try to achieve higher quality barrels JST Kit, I use a hose evil

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