Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hsm Metal Is There Something Wrong With Me? Why Did Friend Say This? Re Post 'cause Other One Didn't Get Answers!!!?

Is there something wrong with me? why did friend say this? Re post 'cause other one didn't get answers!!!? - hsm metal

Ok, my friend says that there is something wrong with me. Not that I have a disease like "Boy, there is something wrong with you!" Why?
OK, I'm still angry. Always! Or sad. So really happy, not for my birthday, not Christmas. It sucks! It has nothing to do to get me mad. I am always ready to fight anyone! Fisically cry or battle with words (as some, I suppose) I like the taste of blood on the right. But it is not so painful when I and others do not. I lick my wounds or simply something (which is quite normal.) I love black and red, and have a passion for books about vampires and others. I love metal music. I play electric guitar. Dense semi depressing. Love to shoot and go. I and my father, but the struggle ... not so much. I hate HSM and not really important for Miley Cyrus.
Red hair, my eyes change color (green to blue). Blue Jeans for nothing, and never thought twice.
I did not sleep much. Love animals, home schooled, and I'm a little pale. I'm obsessed by the moon !!!!!!! USECrescent Moon aphire (much to my body as in his other hand)
Is there something wrong with me, as I have said?
Oh, and never use again. I hate it. And never wear make-up, wear jewelry and wire. I do not like shirts with bright colors or something.

Age: 13


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