Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pre Teen House Pictures What Causes A Poltergeist To Occur?

What causes a poltergeist to occur? - pre teen house pictures

Then I read on the Internet
a ghost is most likely to occur when a teenager on the brink of puberty before the house, present, or when it enters certain (psychological problems of the mind) to a person living in the house!

My question is
There must be a "spirit" that the subconscious mind is used to act as Poltergeist "noisy ghost"?

Or there are no ghosts there, and still the subconscious can spend to a poltergeist?

Is pursuing the house, the first appearance of a noisy ghost? Or is it the person is unconscious, move objects disappear and reappear, we should fear us Poltergeist's new?

I refer to what we have to fear, if there is a spirit and a person without knowing it makes unexplained phenomena?

In asking!

Box shows the question, is not it?


psiexplo... said...

No, it was not a ghost.

Yes, there is no spirit, with the subconscious, such as creating poltergeist effects through the use of unconscious telekinesis.

No, the house done first.

Normally, a person need not (the agent) realize they are responsible for the activity are (which might be due to no fault of memory psychokinesis).
Poltergeist phenomena is often confusing and sometimes expensive, but almost never dangerous.

Why not have anything to fear if you encounter a ghost is not responsible for poltergeist phenomena?

Poltergeist activity traditionally associated with a person who is unable to express the conflicts in the usual way connected to (or feels in some cases, low verbal ability, which prevents a clear expression). This is the reason that is often associated with young people.
This relationship remains silent when the conflict Poltergeist Poltergeist forged by anyone and where the phenomenon seems to be real.

FamilyAnd share the best advice is to my knowledge never failed to calm a poltergeist. I propose to open and honest communication in your relationship and possibly counseling.

Everything you have said, of course, you must remove all normal explanations, such as a crack in a wooden house on expansion and contraction (Wood) during changing weather conditions and other explanations first.


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