Sunday, February 7, 2010

Info Kingdom Hearts Ok So The Question Has Been Asked Before But No New Info Has Come. What Is Going On With Kingdom Hearts 3?

Ok so the question has been asked before but no new info has come. What is going on with Kingdom Hearts 3? - info kingdom hearts

It is September 2009 and no new information about Kingdom Hearts 3, and I do not mean 3 Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, or one of the games elsewhere. It has almost 4 years since the release of Kingdom Hearts 2 and I really want to know, what with 3rd I want to play as bad (if they do what they will, I hope) This series is addictive!


Slightly... said...

On 29 September, a new game is released. You see a glimpse of Disney in some games. It's called Kingdom Hearts 358 / 2 Days, and follows the story of Roxas while Sora was asleep. It is really a very sad story, but.

Regarding Kingdom Hearts 3, with Sora ... To be produced in 2010 and probably published in 2011. So sit down! :)

Sephirot... said...

The release date for Kingdom Hearts 3 has not been announced, but there is the object of their new Square Enix Final Fantasy games, and three new Kingdom Hearts: 358 / 2 Days (DS Roxas in his next match organization of the 13 missions), Birth by Sleep (PSP game after the "Keyblade Wars") and coded (puzzle game for mobile phones). If the rumors are true, then be Kingdom Hearts 3 for the PS3 (j 't have one, dammit!). Kingdom Hearts Trailer for a new game that I could find was the following: = ...

Hope this helps!

Fiveankh... said...

No new information on Kingdom Hearts 3, but if he probably wait for the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, High School Musical and / or Marvel characters / accessories.

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