Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hot Feet Herpes Why Do They Put Hot Wax On Your Feet After A Pedicure?

Why do they put hot wax on your feet after a pedicure? - hot feet herpes

I've never had a pedicure in a salon today, and I realized that all women, their feet in hot wax to have. I declined the offer because they do not seem sanitary. Normally I'm never at a salon pedicure, but I will for their health tools, although I doubt that replacing the wax very often. Certainly not changed after each immersion foot. And I saw a woman with herpes lip wax to a woman who had herpes bump your wax.

So, what is the purpose of dipping in wax?


msprivey... said...

Foot-and softens moisturizes and softens the interior. I say wonderful. It Sanitaria. There are women with a dip funginail it! They must keep their license.

rudyspud... said...

to smooth skin

Dreamy said...

What kind of help, pain

UdOnTkNo... said...

U gave me the information .... Id recommend Lookin on google ..

antmanbe... said...

? Grow

Lisa H said...

Her skin is soft and warm wax is soothing for the feet or hands.

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